April 2020: Women and Gender
Women and Gender
Elaine Graham and Kate Pearson
Books That Changed Me: Sexism and God-Talk by Rosemary Radford Ruether
Elaine Graham
‘The Male God Blessed the Male Patriarchy’: Language, Ritual and the History of Women’s Ordination
Grace Heaton
Books That Changed Me: The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Dawn Llewellyn
Talking Gender and Liberation: Towards a Generous Christian Social Ethic of Gender
Gill Frigerio
A History of Brexit. Review Essay
Matt Bullimore
Book Reviews
Christ and the Common Good: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy
Rethinking Holiness: A Theological Introduction
The Character Gap: How Good are We?
Undoing Theology: Life Stories from Non-Normative Christians
Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic Violence: When Salvation is Survival
Buy a single copy: Crucible April 2020 (£7.00 + p&p)