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Reconciling Theology

Paul Avis
SCM Press, 2021, 260 pp., pbk, £ 30.00.

Reconciling Theology consists of a series of articles by Paul Avis,
the distinguished Anglican ecumenist and theologian, which he has
extensively reworked, along with some new chapters. They cohere
well and show his commitment to ecumenism and the reasons
for disagreement and difficulty in the ecumenical enterprise. He
writes both fervently and clearly, with a profound knowledge of the
Reformers, especially Luther and Calvin, as well as modern German
theology (Barth, Pannenberg and Jüngel), and the key ecumenical
texts. There is also an interesting chapter on the interpretation and
reception of Vatican II within the Roman Catholic Church, where
Avis shows the significance of the Council for him personally, while
he distances himself from the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI
which was marked by ‘caution, suspicion and defensiveness. The
modern world was seen as basically alien and threatening’ (65).
Avis has no time for a complacent acceptance of
denominationalism as a justifiable acceptance of plurality and
complexity in religious belief, even though he is well aware of the
sociological reasons as to why denominations came into being.
There is an ‘eschatological horizon’ which makes denominational

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