Editorial: Provisions for the Journey – Nourishment or Navigation?
Provisions for the Journey – Nourishment or Navigation?
Writing this editorial, with the context of Holy Week and Easter as the background, automatically prompted this particular Christian soul to reflect upon the now well-used, sometimes even over-used, image of the journey of the Christian life. The following of the pattern of the Passion of Christ – going all the way back to the fourth century pilgrimage of Egeria – is, of course, a familiar theme. But the Passiontide and Easter sequence directs one further back to the Gospels themselves: indeed, many believe that the roots of the passion narrative lie in early pilgrimages along the Via Dolorosa. In contemporary liturgies, the drama unfolds, and using material from the ancient liturgical rites, they alight upon all four Gospels, quarrying them for narrative material, from Palm Sunday through to the Paschal Feast. Added to this, of course, Paul’s correspondence with the nascent Church of late antiquity also provides rich material. But what does the individual Christian soul, or indeed the gathered Church make of this remarkably varied series of narratives? How do we hold together these often very different accounts of those seminal events of Jesus’ suffering and death?
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