Words for a Dying World: Stories of Grief and Courage from the Global Church
Words for a Dying World: Stories of Grief and Courage from the Global Church
Ed. Hannah Malcolm
SCM Press, 2020, 212pp., pbk, £15.99
Climate change is an existential crisis - as seen during the European heat wave of summer 2022, with unprecedented high temperatures and an estimated death toll surpassing 12,000. We also face an epidemic of climate-related mental health issues, with climate anxiety and even suicide among youth who have given up hope that the world can provide them or their future children with a livable home. In this context, it is refreshing to read a Christian book on the climate crisis that does not feel compelled to begin with the science or reasons why Christians should care about creation, but centers the experiences of people directly affected by the crisis. Hopefully this heralds a new trend of fresh starting points for climate change theology.
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