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The Oxford Handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr

Ed. Robin Lovin and Joshua Mauldin
Oxford University Press, 2021, xix + 637pp, hbk

The Oxford Handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr

On first encounter, the title has a curious feel, almost implying that Niebuhr carried this book around with him wherever he went! On reading the book, however, the title does describe precisely what this volume says it is. It is not a dictionary of Niebuhr nor is it simply an encyclopaedic review. Instead, it is a rich collection of essays which would helpfully accompany any scholar working on Niebuhr, at virtually any level, or indeed anyone encountering him for the first time. It is divided into six sections - Niebuhr and his times; Allies and Adversaries; Theological starting points; Ethics; Politics and Policy; and Niebuhr’s Legacy. The varied and specialised nature of the contributors is impressive.

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