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Clergy, Culture and Ministry: The Dynamics of Roles and Relations in Church and Society

Ian Tomlinson (ed. Martyn Percy)
SCM Press, 2017, xviii+186 pp., hbk

Clergy, Culture and Ministry: The Dynamics of Roles and Relations in Church and Society

In his book Manifold Wisdom, Wesley Carr (former Dean of Westminster Abbey) states that ‘theology and action are, of course, inextricably linked’ (xiii) and it has long been part of pastoral theology to address the issues of experienced theology in light of doctrine. Recent developments in ‘Ordinary Theology’ and in ‘Ethnography and Ecclesiology’ have contributed to the debate around the place of empirical methods within the theological framework of the church. However, the lines between pastoral/empirical/ordinary and ethnographic theology all seem to blur when real-life incidents and actions are considered theologically, and it can be difficult to classify any study solely within one of the empirical branches.

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