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Reshaping our Social Ecology – a Response to Andrew Cozens

14 January 2021

Andrew Cozen’s article brings a fresh perspective to our understanding of people with dementia and their communities, and of the changes that have affected them in response to the pandemic. His central theme is that people with dementia must be understood as members of a delicate social ecosystem in which many actors and structures must work smoothly together. Only in this way can they be accorded care, dignity, status and a role in the communities of which they are a part. Implicit in this ecological approach is the assumption that a thriving ecosystem benefits all (or at least most) of its members: life breeds life in an interlocking web, and when one species or ecological niche is compromised, the whole system suffers. Analogously, the creation of dementia-friendly communities benefits us all, providing an enriched environment that we can all enjoy.

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