Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism
Kathryn Tanner
Yale University Press, 2019, x + 241 pp., hbk

Kathryn Tanner has always been a theologian who is hard to pin down and pigeonhole. She has allies and friends but no team or club. She does, however, have themes. Like Springsteen returning to an acoustic record between street band albums, Tanner returns to advance and explore her theological agenda vis à vis the economic dimensions of human life. In 2005 she first laid this out in the Economy of Grace, which translated her doctrinal focus into a theological economy focusing on non-competitive possession and universal giving in stark contrast to capitalism. She has returned now for a further, more forensic exploration; offering a more detailed ‘how it works’ sort of analysis of our precise capitalist moment and a contrast with basic Christian commitments.
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